Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Amazing Johnathan's Weird Stuff

Here we feature an unusual artifact from one of magic's most unusual exponents.  The picture is far from ideal, as this glossy, textured, striking high-contrast design proves hard to capture using photographic equipment.  And, in that way, it proves a fitting tribute to its subject, "The Amazing Jonathan."  

If you own one of these cards (a standard sized poker card with regular faces), it may be because you're the lucky owner of "The Amazing Johnathan's Weird Stuff" Magic Kit, itself a rare and wondrous collectible that contained a full pack of these iconic cards.  

Or, if you're like me, you might have bought a pack from the Amazing Johnathan, who found a handful of these decks in his garage, which he sold and gave away at a magic convention in 2018.  And if that's the route you took to get one, there's probably a great story that goes along with it.  Mine comes with such a story.

John Edward Szeles (September 9, 1958 – February 22, 2022), was born in Detroit, Michigan.  He became universally known by his stage name "The Amazing Johnathan," was a famed stand-up comedian, accomplished magician and all-around prankster. 

He became a regular in nightclubs, on Comedy Central, had his own game show and performed for President Reagan.

We need not spend too much time on biographical information,  though, as Jonathan's life was the subject of not one, but two documentary films which, like everything else about him, are extraordinary and unusual.  And while other magicians (such as Houdini) have been the subject of more than one attempt to convey their lives in biographical format, the difference with Johnathan is that he was actively involved in two competing attempts to record his achievements and antics.  

The Amazing Johnathan Documentary (2019) 
was a production from Hulu which eventually would be billed by its producers as "an unexpected and increasingly bizarre journey as [the] filmmaker struggles to separate truth from illusion."  That little snippet of marketing text offers the tiniest insight into the truly bizarre nature of this film, which must be seen to be fully appreciated.

Amazing: the Life Death and Return of the Amazing Jonathan 
was a somewhat more conventional biography released in Canada in 2018, the filming of which became an important narrative element in The Amazing Johnathan Documentary.

As a result, to say anything new about the Amazing Johnathan proves difficult.

Thus, I'm going to make this a largely personal narrative, as I had an ever-so-brief yet equally memorable set of experiences with him in 2018.  That happened at the International Brotherhood of Magicians National Convention in Michigan, one of the rare magic convention appearances by the Amazing Johnathan.   In a fascinating lecture, he showed some of his subtle, unique insights into magic, demonstrating and teaching effects that were uniquely his.  He also proved to be a fun and approachable participant, much appreciated by attendees.  

As a lecturer at that gathering, I found myself on a souvenir poster with the Amazing Johnthan and some other fine performers (like Jeff McBride, Larry Wilson, Steve Valentine, Pop Haden, Larry Hass and Lance Burton).   At one point, I found myself seated next to him on a signature line: attendees could bring their posters to the tables to have them autographed by all of the performers.  Having arrived late, I was seated on the end next to Johnathan, whom I had not had the pleasure of meeting.  He treated me and the participants to a barrage of pranks and stunts, beginning with annotating information on the hotel tablecloth with a sharpie (which turned out NOT to be a trick), having water pour from his nose, piercing his ears with his thumbs and the like.  He was a whirlwind of energy.  

We also had an encounter with an international delegation visiting the event, an experience that I will not soon forget.  The details contain too many subtleties to relate here. However, should we meet, please ask me, and over a cup of tea I will share the story with you.  It was one of the funniest things that I've ever experienced.

September 8 was his birthday.


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